Friday, 27 March 2020
To keep things running smoothly in our clinics at this busy time, and to help contain the spread of COVID-19, we have set up special clinics called Flexihubs. This means that patients wanting a flu vaccine, for example, will be able to get one without coming into contact with someone needing testing for COVID-19.
These Flexihubs, set up at some of our larger clinics in Auckland have separate areas and often separate teams for different types of patients: one for vaccinations, one for patients with respiratory symptoms and one for general and urgent medical services. Any patients who might need to be tested for COVID-19 will be seen off-site at one of our specialist testing centres. We will even give you a map and our team at that location will be glad to help you!
When you arrive at one of our FlexiHubs, a nurse outside the clinic will ask you a few questions and may even take your temperature. Depending on your answers and needs you will be directed to the team who is best able to help you. Or, off site for Covid testing of course. It is that simple. The big difference is you see one of our nurses before you enter the clinic rather than later on. That makes it safer for everyone. Don't be scared off by the big white canopy outside either. That's just to keep our nurses dry if it rains!
So far we have seven Flexihubs at Local Doctors, White Cross and East Tamaki Healthcare clinics that are all part of the same group. If you are enrolled in one brand, you have access to all of them.
The clinics are White Cross Mt Wellington, White Cross Glenfield ,Mt Roskill Medical and Surgical Center , Local Doctors in Weymouth Manurewa, Local Doctors in Flatbush, Local Doctors in Otara, and East Tamaki Healthcare at Mangere Town Centre. All these Flexihubs are open 8am to 8pm seven days a weeks. Don't hesitate to come in, we might not be as busy as you might think. You don't need an appointment and as always, we welcome any patients whether they are enrolled with us or not.
To make the best use of our staff and equipment, and to provide the best possible care for our community, we have combined some of our teams, temporarily closed some smaller clinics during this period and redirected some patients to a FlexiHub. You can find a list of open and closed clinics here.
We sincerely thank patients for their cooperation and understanding as we make the necessary operational changes to keep everyone as safe as possible.
(p.s. if you got a text telling you about these new Flexihubs, it is because you are either an enrolled patient or have been a casual patient of Local Doctors, White Cross or East Tamaki Healthcare so we felt it was important to tell you about this new health service. However, if don't want these messages, then please text back STOP and you will be removed from these text lists automatically)